The Truth Behind what the World
Calls "Christmas Spirit"
Posted on December 10, 2024

During this time of year, everyone is busy decorating, shopping, and preparing for the biggest holiday of the year: Christmas! Beautiful decorations and soothing carols can be seen and heard in every store. Many houses are bursting with colorful lights that bring joy to anyone who passes by. Bells can be heard for charities, and a hearty “Merry Christmas” from the lips of a man underneath a Santa hat. Why all the hoopla over one holiday? Well, everyone is in the Christmas spirit!
But what does this “Christmas spirit” mean? Anyone can get the “warm and fuzzies” after hearing a Christmas song or seeing a lit-up tree. As Christians, we know the real meaning of Christmas; it’s not about decorations or music, but about Jesus Christ. What the world calls “Christmas spirit” is really the spirit of Christ, and that is something we should have all year round.
Let’s look at three aspects of Christmas spirit, and see from the Bible how it perfectly matches with the spirit of Christ.
It is a spirit of love
First of all, Christmas spirit is a spirit of love. It is a time when families put aside their differences and come together. Husband and wife embrace with more passion around Christmastime; children learn to work together and give for this special season. You see, “love is in the air.”
This is wonderful, but for the Christian, we are to love all the time, not just during the Christmas season. Jesus told the disciples, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another” (John 13:34). Love is definitely in the air during Christmastime, but more importantly, love should be in our hearts. Jesus said more specifically, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:35). In other words, this love is the spirit of Christ.
It’s easy to love during Christmas, but how is your love during the rest of the year? Love for others is a mark of being a Christian. How sad when we see the world being so harsh on people throughout the year (especially Christians!) but turn around and have love for everyone during Christmastime! They simply flipped a switch, and that is not what we should have. Our love must come from the love of Christ, and it must spring up through our hearts. It is not something you switch on, but something that is a part of your life constantly. Check your love. Is it simply the “Christmas spirit love,” or is it the love of Christ?
It is a spirit of giving
During this season, nobody is ever surprised to see people standing outside stores next to a charity tin ringing a bell. They know that people are more generous at this time, and are willing to drop a coin or two into a tin to help a worthy cause. They’re in the Christmas spirit, which is the spirit of giving.
It’s a wonderful thing to go out and buy presents for your loved ones so you can watch them open those gifts and be excited. Giving is a selfless act that is connected with love. The Apostle Paul reminded us that Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Many people are willing to give to the homeless, the helpless, the hurting, and the hungry during Christmastime. But what about the rest of the year? If the spirit is cold and selfish, no giving will occur.
It is important that we give to those who need help and encouragement. “Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth” (Eph. 4:28). But while we’re looking around to help others, let’s not forget to look up.
God gave us the greatest gift ever: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son…” (John 3:16). And Jesus gave everything He could: “For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). What is the greatest thing you can give this Christmas season? Give yourself to God. Give Him everything you have. And don’t just do it at Christmastime—do it all year, every year.
It is a spirit of sacrifice
The story “The Gift of the Magi” is a beautiful short story written by O. Henry. The story goes like this: A young couple is living in a modest flat, and they each want to get the other something nice for Christmas. However, they don’t have much money, but they each have something very valuable. The wife has long flowing hair, and the husband has a magnificent gold watch. On Christmas Eve, the wife goes out and sells her hair to buy a platinum fob chain for her husband’s watch. When the husband arrives home that night, he is shocked to see his wife with short hair! He had sold his watch to buy her some expensive hair accessories. They were both willing to sacrifice the most precious thing to them, but in the end, they discovered that their love for each other was more precious than anything.
Sacrifice can be found within the Christmas spirit, but it is far more evident in the spirit of Christ. Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me” (Luke 9:23). Here we see complete sacrifice. If you want to be a disciple of Christ, you must deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow the Lord Jesus. He is asking you to give up something very precious to you: your life. Are you willing to die to self in order that Christ may live through you?
The husband and wife were willing to part with their most prized possessions, but look what they found in the end: complete love for one another. Will you part with that object that is holding you back so you may gain complete love for the Lord? If you do not love Christ, you will not be willing to sacrifice your life for Him.
This is the spirit of Christ. It is a spirit of love, giving, and sacrifice. The world prizes these virtues at Christmastime, but we Christians have an obligation to retain them all year long. Christmas is not just a holiday for us, it is a cause for great joy and special worship. The unspeakable gift was given to us, and as a result, the spirit of Christ can reside in our hearts and lives for all eternity.